Selected Publications


Approcci alla Conservazione dell’Arte Contemporanea: Darwin, Brandi, sistemi di sopravvivenza? Conservazione dell’arte contemporanea: temi e problemi. Un’esperienza didattica. 2010. Il Prato, Padova, 2010.

Ma cos’è l’arte moderna e contemporanea? Conservazione e restauro dell’arte contemporanea, 1996, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia.

The Conservation of Wall Paintings and External Stuccoes of the Temples of Pagan, BurmaThe Conservation of Oriental Art; Preprints of the Contributions to the Kyoto Congress, Ed. N.S. Bromelle and P. Smith, I.I.C., London 1988 (co-authored with L. Lazzarini, D. Zari, and U Ba Tint)

The Conservation of Wall Paintings in Thailand Case Studies of the Conservation of Stone and Wall Paintings; Preprints of the Contributions to the Bologna Congress, I.I.C., London 1986 (co‑authored with W. Na Songkhla, and Eng. I. Massari).

The Conservation of the Mural Paintings in the Rock Cut Churches of Göreme Appendix 1 in Tokali Kilise, Tenth‑Century Metropolitan Art in Byzantine Cappadocia; by Anne W. Epstein, Dumbarton Oaks Studies XXII, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C. 1986.

Earthquake Damage to Works of Art in the Friuli Region of Italy Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Autumn, 1977),pp. 9-16 (co-authored with Constance S. Silver, Carol A. Grissom).

Die Konservierung und Restaurierung der Wandmalerien im Wat Suthat Ein Beispiel deutscher Kulturhilfe, Bangkok, 1985.

The Technical Examination and Restoration of the Paintings of the Dome of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem Studies in Conservation, Vol. 30, No. 3, August 1985 (co‑authored with L. Lazzarini).

The Cleaning of Mural Paintings and Painted Plasters Science for Conservation, No. 24, 1985, Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Tokyo, Japan.

Approaches to the Conservation of Mural Paintings in Tombs and Underground Structures Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, September 1983 (co-authored with C. Giantomassi, I. Massari, and G. Pignatelli

Investigación sobre el Efecto a Largo Plazo del Uso de un Consolidante a Base de Silicato de Etilo para el Adobe El Adobe Simposio Internacional y Curso‑Taller sobre Conservacin del Adobe: Informe final y ponencias principales. Lima‑Cusco (Peru) 10‑22 September 1983. Proyecto Regional de Patrimoine Cultural y Desrarrollo UNDP/Unesco, ICCROM, 1985 (co‑authored with Dr. S. Lewin, NYU).

Seminar on the Protection of Historic Architecture and Museum Collections from Earthquakes and Natural Disasters National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., 29‑30 March, 1982: "Lessons to be Learned from the Friuli" (co‑authored with Arch. R. Mola and C. Silver) Butterworths, 1986.

The Conservation of a Chalcolithic Wall Painting on Mud Brick from the Site of Teleilat Ghassul III International Symposium on Mud Brick (Adobe) Preservation, ICOM‑ICOMOS, Ankara, 1980 (co‑authored with C. Silver and C. Wheatley) published in the Technical Papers.     

Introduction to the Conservation of Wall Paintings International Symposium on the Conservation of Wall Paintings, Council for Places of Worship and the Cathedrals Advisory Committee, 1979, published in the Proceedings and Technical Papers.

Selected Publications